Lesson 8. Integrating with Redis

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Lesson 8. Integrating with Redis

Hi! Long time I haven't posted lessons. Sorry for that:) Today we are integrating our highload bot with lighting fast database called Redis. I am using it for data that needs quick access.


For driver I chose Lettuce because of its popularity and good documentation. You can download it here or install with Maven:


Establish connection

Then, you need to connect to Redis:

RedisClient redisClient;
StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> redisConnection;
RedisCommands<String, String> syncCommands;

redisClient = RedisClient.create("redis://localhost:6379/0"); // Format: redis://ip:post/dbNumber
redisConnection = redisClient.connect();
syncCommands = this.redisConnection.sync();

Connection established

And thats all! Now you can execute commands like that:

syncCommands.set("key", "value");
syncCommands.lrange("key", 0, -1);

Also, don't forget to close connection with Redis when you done your work:


Very short lesson, but I think useful :D Thanks for your time, hope to see you soon!

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